Notification of Employed Persons
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Who carries out the notification/deregistration of employed persons?
Notification must be carried out prior to the start/end of gainful employment by the employer or the commissioned third party (integration programmes). The notification procedure is free of charge.
What information is required?
The information to be provided is information concerning the gainfully employed person, the employer and the type of work. The information must be accurate and complete. In the event of a violation of the notification requirement, a fine may be imposed.
Complete the form
Thank you
Pursuant to Art. 65 of the ordinance on admission, residence and gainful employment (VZAE), gainful employment may start as soon as such has been notified with the competent authorities. Whereas confirmation of notification is considered evidence that notification has occurred, it does not constitute approval of any deviations from legal requirements. Notification breaches can lead to sanctions.
If information is missing or inaccurate in your notification, the Office for Economy and Labour of the Canton of Zurich (AWA) will contact you by email in the coming weeks. However, any follow-up query by AWA will not affect the start of your employment. Please note that you must also notify the authorities of any termination of gainful employment, as well as of any change of job or commencement of work with other employers.
Our hotline is available for any questions you may have, from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m. Please call ++41 (0)43 259 91 11 or send an email to
Amt für Wirtschaft - Arbeitsbeziehungen, Meldeverfahren
Montag bis Freitag
9 bis 11 Uhr
14 bis 16 Uhr