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This page provides data on the economic significance of Zurich’s life sciences cluster, which comprises the following sub-sectors: medical technology, control & measuring devices, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, wholesale and research & laboratories.
Cluster Density in the Regions
Workplaces and full-time equivalents compared to Zurich’s overall economy, 2021
Cluster Figures
Sub-sectors Canton of Zurich, 2021
%: Canton of Zurich in relation to the same cluster nationwide
123: absolute figures Canton of Zurich
Regional Distribution
Workplaces and full-time equivalents by region, Canton of Zurich, 2021
Cantons with a High Share of the Cluster’s Overall Market
Share Sub-Sectors
Canton of Zurich and Switzerland, 2021
Life Sciences cluster and overall economy, Canton of Zurich, 2021
Newly Founded Companies in the Cluster
Canton of Zurich and Switzerland
Newly Founded Companies by Sub-Sectors
Canton of Zurich
Data Sources
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Office for Economy – Business and Economic Development Division
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